Pitch It to Me


It’s hard to believe a year has passed since our very first PITCH IT TO ME CHALLENGE. I have enjoyed them all and can’t say enough of the authors who bravely pitched their stories here. And of course, the lovely guest pitchers who graciously supported their fellow authors by participating in the challenge, too. Here’s a big THANK YOU to them all, as well as to you, our WONDERful readers.

Thus begins our fifth PITCH IT TO ME CHALLENGE! For those who missed the last one, my pitch took top honors. And although it would be nice to brag (just a little!), the real thanks go to the competitors who forced me to bring my “A” game to the plate. Thank you Shirin Shamsi and Lindsay Leslie for making it a big success!

For this round, meet Rinda Beach, debut author of the chapter book, NEIL ARMSTRONG’S WIND TUNNEL DREAM (May 2019, Beach Girl Press), who has sent in a pitch for her picture book manuscript, SAFETY POWER SUPER STARS. Isn’t the alliteration fabulous?

And speaking of fabulous, have you met our guest-star pitcher for this round yet? It’s Shannon Stocker, whose debut picture book, CAN U SAVE THE DAY, came out last month with Sleeping Bear Press. If you don’t know already, Shannon has stories published in the popular CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL series and has at least one other picture book on the way, LISTEN, with Dial/Random House. Get used to hearing her name, because Shannon is here to stay!

If you want to know more about Rinda and Shannon make sure to take a peek at their photos and bios below!

On to the challenge! Take a look at the three pitches in the voting box. They are in no particular order so you’ll never know whose is whose (the author’s, mine, or our special guest pitcher). Vote for your favorite, and if you are so inclined, leave a comment, too. We love hearing from readers/voters!

You have until October 1, 2019, to cast your vote. Please vote only once, but feel free to tell your friends about us and get them in on the action.



Rinda never planned to write. She was a second-grade teacher who read and told stories, till the night a bat visited her. The bat inspired her to write. She learned how to edit, thanks to SCBWI, writing classes, and critique partners. Rinda substitute teaches to stay connected to today’s kids. She uses her knowledge and imagination to write stories for them. Her website features a weekly blog and book review for kids. She is also the owner of Beach Girl Press.

Connect with Rinda at www.rindabeach.com, or find her on:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.

You can find Rinda’s book, NEIL ARMSTRONG’S WIND TUNNEL DREAM on Amazon.




 Shannon Stocker is an award-winning author and proud word nerd who lives in Louisville, KY, with her husband, Greg, and their children, Cassidy and Tye. Her debut picture book, CAN U SAVE THE DAY (Sleeping Bear Press), released on August 15, 2019. Her next picture book, LISTEN, will be a biography about deaf percussionist, Evelyn Glennie (Dial/Random House), and several of her nonfiction essays have been published in Chicken Soup for the Soul. Shannon currently serves as SCBWI social co-director for Louisville, a judge for Rate Your Story, and she created the blog series, Pivotal Moments: inHERview, highlighting transitional life stories of female picture book authors. Cool facts: Currently writing her memoir, Shannon is a medical school graduate, a coma survivor, an RSD/CRPS patient and advocate, and a singer/songwriter who once performed two songs, including one original, as part of an opening act for Blake Shelton. To subscribe to her blog, visit her website, http://www.shannonstocker.com/blog/. She can also be found tweeting positive quotes and mantras @iwriteforkidz. Shannon is represented by Allison Remcheck of Stimola Literary Studio.

Look for Shannon’s Book, CAN U SAVE THE DAY at:

Amazon , Barnes & Noble, or her local indie bookstore, Carmichael’s




Will I ever stop with these concluding remarks? No, I don’t think so. It’s where I get to thank our lovely guests, Rinda Beach and Shannon Stocker, for joining in the challenge. If you haven’t read their books, you really should! Thank you for reading their pitches (and mine!) and making this the most SUPER challenge yet. Until next time . . .


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